Jon Hillery

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Mathematics PhD Student at UCLA

Research Area

I'm broadly interested in representation theory and connected areas.


2024–present UCLA Los Angeles, CA
PhD Student, Graduate Student, UCLA Department of Mathematics
2022–2023 Purdue University Data Mine West Lafayette, IN
Undergraduate Researcher, Subtraction Games Research.
2020 UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA
SURF Math Fellow, Undergraduate research in applied analysis.


2024–Present Ph.D. in Mathematics, UCLA Los Angeles, CA

Foucsed on representation theory.

2023–2024 M.A.St. in Mathematics, Cambridge University Cambridge, UK

Focused on algebraic geometry, number theory, and geometric group theory.

2018–2022 B.A. in Mathematics, UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA

GPA: 3.91, Highest Honors with Distinction
Over 20 graduate courses across all major areas of pure mathematics.

Notable Awards

2022 Dorothea Klumpke Roberts Prize in Mathematics UC Berkeley Mathematics

Awarded to "seniors who have demonstrated truly exceptional scholarship in mathematics."

2020 UC Berkeley SURF Math Fellowship UC Berkeley Mathematics

Funding for a group of four UC Berkeley math undergraduates to conduct summer research.

2018 National Merit Scholarship National Merit Scholarship Corporation

One-time scholarship awarded to 2500 high school students in the United States.

Publications [Interactive Version]

Student Mentoring

Talks [Interactive Version]

Kazhdan-Lusztig Theory

UCLA Algebra Seminar, Los Angeles

Communication-Optimal Neural Network Nested Loops

UC Berkeley, Online

Applications of Information Theory to Theoretic Computer Science

Berkeley UGTCS, Berkeley

Brunn-Minkowski Inequality and Sorting Partial Orders

Berkeley UGTCS, Berkeley


Fall 2024 Math 33A: Linear Algebra and Applications UCLA
